Exterior Scandinavian Spruce Cladding Shadow Gap A Grade


The addition of a shadow gap, which is a small gap between the cladding boards, enhances the aesthetic appeal of the building’s exterior. This design element creates a subtle shadow line that adds depth and texture to the façade, giving it a modern and stylish look.

The popularity of this cladding choice stems from several factors. Firstly, Scandinavian spruce is readily available in the region, making it a cost-effective option for local construction projects. Secondly, the light colour and fine grain of the wood create a visually appealing finish that complements both contemporary and traditional architectural styles. Lastly, the shadow gap detail adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the building’s exterior, setting it apart from more conventional cladding options. Overall, exterior Scandinavian spruce softwood cladding with a shadow gap combines aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, making it a popular choice for many residential and commercial buildings.



SKU: 398911878 Category: Product ID: 11878


Exterior Scandinavian Spruce Cladding Shadow Gap with a shadow gap is indeed a popular choice for both residential and commercial buildings, particularly in Scandinavian countries and other regions with similar architectural preferences. Scandinavian spruce, known for its durability and attractive appearance, is a commonly used softwood for cladding due to its natural resistance to decay and weathering. It is also lightweight and easy to work with, making it a practical choice for construction projects.

  1. Wood Type: Spruce is a softwood species commonly used for cladding due to its aesthetic appeal and durability.
  2. Grade: The grade of spruce cladding can vary depending on the intended use and appearance preferences. Grades are often categorized as A, B, or C, with Grade A being the highest quality with minimal knots and defects.
  3. Profile: Spruce cladding can be manufactured in different profiles or styles, such as shiplap, tongue and groove, shadow gap or board-on-board. The choice of profile affects the installation method and overall appearance.
  4. Finishes: Spruce cladding can be left unfinished to weather naturally and develop a grey patina over time, or it can be coated with stains, paints, or protective finishes for a desired look and added protection against the elements.
  5. Installation: Spruce cladding is typically installed horizontally or vertically, depending on the design and preference. Proper installation techniques, including the use of appropriate fixings and gap spacing, should be followed to allow for natural wood movement and prevent moisture-related issues.
  • Ideal for external cladding applications
  • Untreated cladding boards
  • Price for 1 square meter – £28.00
  • Price excluding VAT ( VAT added on checkout )
  • Cladding sections can be fitted horizontal and vertical
  • Delivery 3-5 working days

Additional information


20mm x 145mm x 4.20m – £19.49, 20mm x 95mm x 6.00m – £15.96